Two Of A Kind, With A Full House!


Meeting Trisha Yearwood

It's Top Five Friday at Adorkable Annie, so I'm linking up my Top Five photos & memories of the honor I had to meet Trisha Yearwood at her book signing in Tulsa! My sister-in-law, Elizabeth & I went together. We rushed over to Barnes & Noble that day as soon as I got off work at noon just hoping they would still have some wristbands left...they were only giving out 300 & had started at 9am that morning, so we just knew they would be all gone! To our surprise they still had some & I think we were literally screaming on the way home with excitement!
She talked about Garth & his recipe in her cookbook for Garth's Breakfast Bowl...I haven't tried it yet, but it sure sounds yummy! She also said he makes the best coffee (they use Maxwell House) but I guess he has a special touch! Trisha's mom & sister were with her & also were signing the cookbooks. They were all so nice & so real. Trisha is just as beautiful in person as she is when you see her on TV or in magazines. I was a little shocked by how tall she was though! I'm so glad to have had the opportunity to talk to her & carry on a normal conversation!



This is what I have on my mantle. It usually stays the same except for I add some fall stuff & completely change it for Christmas!



Top Five Green

I'm following Annie's post about all things blue, this is my first Top Five post, so I wasn't even sure what to post about! Color seems easy enough! I love the color green & anything I buy....if there is a green option, that's what I get! I have a green phone, a green ipod, green keychain etc. Here are the top 5 green things I'd love to have right now!

1. Tea Kettle-I've been wanting one for a couple years now & when I don't have the money I find the perfect one & when I do have the money they are nowhere to be found!

2. Phone-I don't have a landline, but if I did, this is what I would want! It's so cute!

3. Kitchen Valance, from JCP, this would be the perfect valance for my naked kitchen window! It would totally go with my brown & green rugs! (I'm missing the picture here....not sure what happened to it!)

4. Mary-Jane Slippers, these are from Old Navy & they look so comfy & cute! I'd love to wear these around the house!

5. Umbrella- another thing I've wanted for a couple years. Someday I WILL have one!! Love this square one from Pottery Barn!