Two Of A Kind, With A Full House!


Finally Fall

October 1st was Drumright's annual Oilpatch Jamboree, which I have attended for at least the past 5 years. Part of our community involvement for working at the bank! We usually do a float, but this year we just rode in the back of a truck with a big SpiritBank banner & lots of balloons. We threw out baggies with candy, ink pens, bracelets & some $$. Of course I saved a bag to throw to Ian that had $ in it! I think he enjoyed watching the parade. Afterwards we went to Tulsa because we had to buy Ian some new fall clothes & a jacket. We also stopped by toys r us & got him a wooden train (he's been asking for it everytime he sees one!) and we also got him another Thomas Train. He is really into Thomas right now & that's all he wants to watch on TV. We have been watching the same video 24/7. He played with the trains nonstop after we got home until he went to bed.....and yes, he had to take them to bed with him!!! : )